Which part of the brain controls emotions?

Which part of the brain controls emotions?

The brain may be a terribly advanced organ. The central nervous system oversees and regulates a multitude of bodily functions, ranging from the simplest finger movements to the complexity of heart rate control. 
The brain additionally plays a vital role in however you management and method your emotions.

Experts still have a great deal of questions on the brain’s role in a very vary of emotions, however they’ve pinpointed the origins of some common ones, as well as concern, anger, happiness, and love.

Where do emotions return from?

The visceral brain may be a cluster of interconnected structures settled deep among the brain. It’s the a part of the brain that’s to blame for behavioural and emotional responses.

Scientists haven’t reached associate agreement regarding the complete list of structures that structure the visceral brain, however the subsequent structures ar usually accepted as a part of the group:

Hypothalamus. additionally to dominant emotional responses, the neural structure is additionally concerned in sexual responses, endocrine unleash, and control vital sign.

Hippocampus. The hippocampus helps preserve and retrieve recollections. It additionally plays a job in however you perceive the spacial dimensions of your surroundings.

Amygdala. The amygdaloid nucleus helps coordinate responses to things in your surroundings, particularly people who trigger associate emotional response. This structure plays a vital role in concern and anger.

Limbic cortex. This half contains 2 structures, the body structure|gyrus cinguli|neural structure} and therefore the parahippocampal gyrus. As a collective, they have an influence on one's emotional state, drive, and decision-making abilities.

What a part of the brain controls fear?

From a biological stance, concern may be a vital feeling. It helps you respond fitly to threatening things that would hurt you.

This response is generated by stimulation of the amygdaloid nucleus, followed by the neural structure. this is often why some folks with brain harm moving their amygdaloid nucleus don’t continually respond fitly to dangerous eventualities.

When the amygdaloid nucleus stimulates the neural structure, it initiates the fight-or-flight response. The neural structure sends signals to the adrenal glands to supply hormones, like vasoconstrictive and Hydrocortone.

As these hormones enter the blood, you would possibly notice some physical changes, like a rise in:

heart rate

breathing rate

blood sugar


In addition to initiating the fight-or-flight response, the amygdaloid nucleus additionally plays a job in concern learning. This refers to the method by that you develop associate association between sure things and feelings of concern.

What a part of the brain controls anger?

Much like concern, anger may be a response to threats or stressors in your surroundings. once you’re in a very state of affairs that appears dangerous and you can’t escape, you’ll possible respond with anger or aggression. you'll be able to consider the anger response and therefore the fight as a part of the fight-or-flight response.

Frustration, like facing roadblocks whereas making an attempt to realize a goal, may also trigger the anger response.

Anger starts with the amygdaloid nucleus stimulating the neural structure, very like within the concern response. additionally, components of the anterior cortex may additionally  play a job in anger. folks with harm to the current space typically have bother dominant their emotions, particularly anger and aggression.

Parts of the anterior cortex of the brain may additionally  contribute to the regulation of associate anger response. folks with harm to the current space of the brain generally have difficultyTrusted supply dominant their emotions, significantly anger and aggression.

What a part of the brain controls happiness?

Happiness refers to associate overall state of well-being or satisfaction. after you feel happy, you usually have positive thoughts and feelings.

Imaging studies recommend that the happiness response originates part within the complex body part cortex. Another space known as the precuneus additionally plays a job. The precuneus is concerned in retrieving recollections, maintaining your sense of self, and focusing your attention as you progress regarding your surroundings.

A 2015 studyTrusted supply found that folks with larger grey matter volume in their right precuneus reported  being happier. consultants suppose the precuneus processes sure data and converts it into feelings of happiness. as an example, imagine you’ve spent an exquisite night out with somebody you care regarding. Going forward, after you recall this expertise et al find it irresistible, you will expertise a sense of happiness.

What a part of the brain controls love?

It may sound strange, however the beginnings of romantic love are related to the strain response triggered by your neural structure. It makes additional sense after you trust the nervous excitement or anxiety you are feeling whereas falling for somebody.

As these feelings grow, the neural structure triggers unleash of different hormones, like monoamine neurotransmitter, oxytocin, and vasoconstrictive.

Dopamine is related to your body’s reward system. This helps bonk a fascinating feeling.

A small 2005 study showed participants an image of somebody they were romantically enamored with. Then, they showed them a photograph of a lover. once shown an image of somebody they wanted, the participants had augmented activity in components of the brain that are made in monoamine neurotransmitter.

Oxytocin is usually named because the “love endocrine.” this is often for the most part as a result of it will increase after you hug somebody or have associate climax. It’s made within the neural structure and discharged through your endocrine gland. It’s related to social bonding additionally. this is often vital for trust and building a relationship. It may also promote a sense of calmness and happiness.

Vasopressin is equally made in your neural structure and discharged by your endocrine gland. It’s additionally concerned in social bonding with a partner.

The bottom line

The brain may be a advanced organ that researchers are still making an attempt to rewrite. however consultants have known the visceral brain mutually of the most components of the brain that controls basic emotions.

As technology evolves and scientists get a much better glimpse into the human mind, we’ll possible learn additional regarding the origins of additional advanced emotions.


According to the Cannon-Bard theory of emotions, emotional responses are triggered simultaneously with physical reactions when an individual is exposed to a stimulating event.

For example, seeing a snake would possibly prompt each the sensation of worry (an emotional response) and a sport heartbeat (a physical reaction). Cannon-Bard suggests that each of those reactions occur at the same time and severally. In different words, the physical reaction isn’t addicted to the emotional reaction, and the other way around.

Cannon-Bard proposes that each of those reactions originate at the same time within the neural structure. this is often a tiny low brain structure to blame for receiving sensory info. It relays it to the suitable space of the brain for process.

When a triggering event happens, the neural structure would possibly send signals to the basal ganglion. The basal ganglion is to blame for process robust emotions, like worry, pleasure, or anger. it would conjointly send signals to the pallium, that controls acutely aware thought. Signals sent from the neural structure to the involuntary systema nervosum and skeletal muscles management physical reactions. These embody sweating, shaking, or tense muscles. typically the Cannon-Bard theory is observed because the thalamic theory of feeling.

The theory was developed in 1927 by director B. Cannon and his grad student, prince Bard. it absolutely was established as an alternate to the James-Lange theory of feeling. This theory states that feelings square measure the results of physical reactions to an interesting event.

Read on to search out out a lot of regarding however the Cannon-Bard theory applies to everyday things.

Examples of Cannon-Bard

Cannon-Bard is applied to associate degreey event or expertise that causes an emotional reaction. The feeling is positive or negative. The eventualities delineate below show however this theory is applied to real-life things. all told these eventualities, the Cannon-Bard theory states the physical and emotional reactions happen at the same time, instead of one inflicting the opposite.

A job interview

Many people notice job interviews nerve-racking. Imagine you've got employment interview tomorrow morning for a foothold you actually need. brooding about the interview would possibly leave you feeling nervous or distressed. you may conjointly feel physical sensations like tremors, tense muscles, or a speedy heartbeat, particularly because the interview approaches.

Moving into a brand new home

For many folks, getting into a brand new house is a supply of happiness and excitement. Imagine you’ve simply affected into a brand new home along with your partner or spousal equivalent. Your new house is larger than the flat you lived in before. it's enough house for the kids you hope to possess along. As you withdraw boxes, you're feeling happy. Tears well in your eyes. Your chest is tight, and it’s virtually troublesome to breathe.

Divorce of oldsters

Children conjointly expertise physical and emotional effects in response to important events. associate degree example is that the separation or divorce of their folks. Imagine you’re eight years previous. Your folks simply told you that they’re separating and can most likely get a divorce. you're feeling unhappy and angry. Your abdomen is upset. you think that you may retch.

Other theories of feeling


The Cannon-Bard theory was formulated as an alternative to the James-Lange theory of emotions. it absolutely was introduced at the flip of the nineteenth century and has remained standard since then.

According to the James-Lange theory, an emotional response is triggered by the physical sensations that follow a stimulating event. The physical reaction is then labelled with a corresponding feeling. for instance, if you run into a snake, your pulse rate will increase. James-Lange theory suggests that the rise in pulse rate is what makes North American nation notice we’re afraid.

Cannon and Bard introduced some vital criticisms of the James-Lange theory. Firstly, physical sensations and emotions aren’t continually connected. we will expertise physical sensations while not feeling a selected feeling, and the other way around.

Indeed, studiesTrusted supply have found that exercise and injections of common stress hormones, like vasoconstrictor, cause physiological sensations that aren’t connected to a selected feeling.

Another criticism of the James-Lange theory is that physical reactions don’t have one corresponding feeling. as an example, heart palpitations might counsel worry, excitement, or maybe anger. The emotions square measure totally different, however the physical response is that the same.


A newer theory of feeling incorporates components of each the James-Lange and Cannon-Bard theories.

The Schachter-Singer theory of feeling suggests that physical reactions occur 1st, however is similar for various feelings. this is often conjointly referred to as the two-factor theory. Like James-Lange, this theory counsel that physical sensations should be older before they will be known as a selected feeling.

Criticisms of the Schachter-Singer theory counsel that we will expertise emotions before we tend to acknowledge that we’re brooding about them. as an example, upon seeing a snake, you may run doltishly that the feeling you’re experiencing is worry.

Criticisms of the idea

An often-cited criticism of the Cannon-Bard theory is that it overlooks the possibility that physical reactions may play a role in influencing emotions. However, an oversized body of analysis on facial expressions and feeling suggests otherwise. varied studies have shown that participants WHO square measure asked to form a selected face expression square measure seemingly to expertise the emotional response connected thereto expression.

An additional critique of the Cannon-Bard theory asserts that it placed too much emphasis on the thalamus' involvement in emotional processing, while not adequately considering the contributions of other brain regions.

The takeaway

The Cannon-Bard theory of feeling suggests that physical and emotional reactions to stimuli square measure older severally and at a similar time.

Research into emotional processes within the brain is current, and theories still evolve. This was one in every of the primary theories of feeling to require a biology approach.

Now that you just understand the Cannon-Bard theory, you'll be able to use it to grasp each your own and others’ emotional reactions.

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