What Are The 15 Basic Human Emotions?

What Are The 15 Basic Human Emotions?

How are we supposed to find out about our emotions all the time, so that we can feel more of what we want and not feel it all at once? (Please like this post)

We know there are hundreds and thousands of studies on human emotions and their different types, yet most of them have little to nothing in common. It’s very complicated, but for now I will make a list of the major parts of the emotional chart and describe them. Maybe you’ll get some ideas on how to start your own studying, or on how to improve your knowledge in psychology and physiology. So without further ado let us dive into it.

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1. Joy

Joy is one of those feelings that people have multiple definitions. Some refer to it as excitement, while others consider it as “joyous mood”. This feeling can be defined as joy because it involves something positive, pleasant, and enjoyable. 

In general it’s an experience of pleasure or contentment, which helps people feel happy for something that happened during their lives. Joy is a type of emotion that gives pleasure and makes them feel good.

In science and research, joy is always associated with fun events, such as birthdays, graduation, etc. However, sometimes this feeling may also come from other things. For instance, by watching funny cartoons, laughing, having fun, spending time with friends, doing sports, playing games, etc. can bring happiness.

There are many other examples of why this feeling exists, and this is just one of many possible uses for it.

2. Surprise

Now surprise isn’t just a normal emotion, in fact, when we hear this word we usually think of danger, shock, chaos, and death. However, what exactly does this mean? All emotions are full of surprises, after all. And surprise can be both good and bad. 

On the one hand, our ability to deal with unexpected situations depends on this feeling known as surprise. Usually, this situation occurs in real life and in most cases, everything seems in order to those who are used to them. But if this sense of threat occurs unexpectedly it makes them anxious or even scared, which can be dangerous. 

These are only two examples of surprise, but there are a lot of stories about these emotions and their meaning.

3. Sadness

Sadness is another type of emotion that we hear often when talking about feeling sad and/or depressed about something in the world around us. Sadness is a feeling of sadness or hopelessness that comes from a negative event that we experienced. 

When someone tells me that they are sad it means that something in their lives happened that I believe caused this feeling. Sometimes this may happen due to the loss of something important, like losing a friend, father, brother, wife, lover, child, lover, pet, career, job, etc.

4. Anger

If I tell you a story about my first encounter with anger, you can imagine its nature. My best friend was fighting with his girlfriend, she told him that he was annoying, that he was disrespectful, and that he was cruel. 

He ended up hitting her, but as always, the girlfriend did not react in the right way and screamed. As soon as she realized I noticed her reaction, she apologized: she said maybe he got tired of her trying to fight back, but the only thing she didn’t realize was that she had just lost her temper. 

You might be wondering why there was no reaction from her side then. Well, let me explain it: my friend already felt like he was being treated unfairly, and the girl said it over and over again, making him angry. At some point, he stopped listening to her and started walking towards the house.

 That day he hit her with his fist, and never let her respond. Another girl came across this scene and asked him: should I help him? No. I thought that I had failed this woman, but she gave me a hint. She said, give me 5 minutes, when he will calm down. Once again, he was still yelling and he left without saying goodbye. 

Why then did he suddenly become a changed person, and why did she say this? In any case, I concluded that she must have been wrong in what she said and I started to understand what my friend had gone through and I felt sorry for him. Therefore, I understood that he had no intention to hurt anyone.

5. Disgust

Disgust is probably the saddest of all emotions because it feels disgusting. People who suffer from this kind of feeling usually don’t take care of themselves or eat much, as well as they don’t express their pain.

Even though disgust is unpleasant, and the feelings are strong, we shouldn’t ignore them because they’re the result of a painful event that happened. 

Unfortunately, this is where a lot of people are wrong and don’t understand why they feel disgusted. A better approach is to discuss the cause of your disgust with your doctor.

6. Self-Harm

Self-harm can be defined as intentional harm to yourself, whether physical or psychological. If we see this in our social networks, it means that that person was sad. Of course, if we look closer and look deeper, we can see that this person is suffering from low self-esteem. 

They feel worthless and cannot stand up for themselves. And this is the problem. We need to understand that all humans are different, and what affects us personally could affect someone else too. So the next time you see someone acting out of character or behaving badly, talk to them.

Explain to them why they are doing those things, but most important ask them why they feel that way. Once you have done that, try to figure out the reason behind their behaviour.

7. Shame

Shame is that feeling of guilt that we, as humans, have. It involves recognizing ourselves as imperfect beings, as flawed beings. It is the feeling of shame that starts to develop almost immediately after committing some mistakes. 

It is the feeling of regret that begins to develop as our actions grow and change. After we commit an action or when it doesn’t work in the way we wanted, we start to think about it, and that leads to shame. There are a lot of reasons why we should feel ashamed, and some of them are listed below:

When we fail at anything. We fear ourselves. Most people have low self-esteem. We are embarrassed. We feel insecure. We feel that the society hates us when that happens.

8. Shyness

Shyness is also a state of depression. Its definition is easy to define; shyness is when an individual feels uncomfortable physically meeting with people, especially in crowded places. One example of this is a person at business meetings. 

To those in the audience, who don’t speak to that person, it might seem strange to them. They feel self-conscious, and when they look directly at that person, it makes them avoid eye contact and show their discomfort. 

Other examples of shyness are people in high-pressure jobs such as lawyers, doctors, salespeople, or teachers who are considered experts in their field.

9. Guilt

Guilt is an abnormal feeling of guilt that stems from wrongdoing. It has two possible meanings. 

First, it could be the process of trying to justify a crime or mistake done by someone, which would lead to finding an excuse. 

Second, it is that feeling of disappointment or confusion caused by another person’s actions. Many times, this feeling develops after the death of somebody close to the victim. If they committed suicide, it means that their whole family suffered. Then this goes on to affect other people around them causing guilt.

10. Happy

This is that feeling of excitement that we experience while watching movies or reading books or when we play with our children. When we feel happy, we feel great and we will try to replicate that feeling in all the possible ways imaginable: 

By thinking positively, speaking positively, sharing positive things with others, etc. In short, happy feeling makes us feel good about the present moment. This is a good feeling that everyone experiences sometimes. 

Just don’t forget that this positive feeling can also make you happier, especially at hard times when you feel hopeless and worthless.

11. Calm

Calmness is a feeling of being relaxed. Everyone has experienced this feeling before; however, when you don’t feel calm, it means that you’re stressed. Being stress-free might sound terrible, but it’s true that it can make a difference in your life. If you constantly feel tense, don’t worry, you won’t get where you want to. 

Stress is something that everyone has experienced at some point in their lives, but it doesn’t mean that you haven’t struggled with it. Remember to relax, meditate, go outside, read, watch movies at night, etc, whatever makes you feel calm and relaxed. 

Also, remember that in moments of stress, we will tend to behave in irrational ways, which can also affect your relationships with others. Try to calm yourself down and remind yourself that everything will be fine.

12. Safe

Safe means that you feel secure and safe with yourself and in the community. Safe is a feeling of being protected or defended from harm. It is a feeling of protection from the outside world and it is usually accompanied by the desire to be left alone.

People who feel safe enjoy their life and have a good time but they do not like people to bother them. 

They are not stressed about their future because they know that nothing bad can happen to them in their lives. 

They also have a tendency to avoid people who may upset them or make them uncomfortable because they feel threatened by such people.

13. Worried

Worried is an emotional state in which one experiences anxiety, tension, insecurity, or fear about something that may happen in the future or has already happened. 

In this state, people try hard to solve the problems faced by them but they fail in doing so because they are worried about something that might happen later on in their lives or which has already happened now that they are experiencing some kind of problem right now

14. Gloomy

We feel gloomy when we hear bad news or bad news is happening in our lives or around us. 

It may be caused by something that happened recently or something that has been going on for a long time but it still bothers us because it brings us down emotionally.

15. Hopeless 

When we think that our life can never be better than how it was before, this is what we call hopelessness and it makes us feel sad and depressed which makes us lose hope in everything that happens in our lives whether good or bad so it’s important to stay positive even when things aren’t going as planned!

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