Anxiousness Meaning , Definition And Symptoms. Difference Between Anxiousness And Worries

Anxiousness Meaning , Definition And Symptoms. Difference Between Anxiousness And Anxiety

What is an anxious person?

Anxious people always wonder what they feel when their mind starts to rumble with all the worries about their day or maybe even the whole world. Some of them think of it as being in a bubble but others feel that they constantly check their cell phone, watch TV or surf the Internet at night. 

So how do we get rid of this negative thinking about themselves? Isn’t there a better way? Yes! But how do we know if we are not suffering from it? Isn’t it natural to be worried just after waking up in the morning and before going to bed? How many times have you been wondering why someone started yawning and then felt relaxed and ready to sleep? 

In the words of one psychologist: “We are all insecure people who overthink and dread the worst things in life”. We cannot stop feeling bad about ourselves always and so we start believing that our fears and anxieties must be true. The question arises here whether we are truly anxious or we ourselves are anxious.

We can easily find more examples on Instagram feeds, social media pages, YouTube channels and Facebook groups, where individuals discuss their emotions, share stories, or simply state that they really feel anxious. Sometimes people wonder if anxiety is the same thing as stress because some people describe having panic attacks or heart palpitations while others talk about general feelings of stress for example sweating, tense muscles, tightness of chest and a racing heartbeat. 

If you ask these people what they feel, they will answer: tension of the body. You do not find yourself struggling with your hands or feet or sometimes with your stomach, breathing is rapid and rapid. At first it seems that you might feel nervous about something, but later you understand that it was the nerves that were triggered by physical arousal that made you feel uneasy. When our brain reacts to a stimulus in exactly this way we call anxiety. 

It happens anytime any stimulus makes us anxious. Asking myself this question: what do I really feel? That is what I am trying to achieve and explain to everyone who asks me: Anxiousness is not a wrong word and has its own definitions and specific signs and characteristics. 

This article explains all these definitions and some common symptoms of anxiety, which, after reading and understanding, will help to deal with it. Here some tips on dealing with anxiety.

Causes Of Anxiousness

The next time you have an unpleasant thought about your situation and it scares you, try to analyze why you feel scared and anxious. Do you want to live your best life? Are you afraid that your child will leave school without a diploma? Are you afraid of work problems, problems at home or problems with other people? 

Maybe you have some concerns about your health. Your brain works very fast to identify danger situations and then to cope with them. Fear causes anxiety because of several reasons: fear of death (fear of dying), fear that you may die, fear that something bad could happen, fear of losing control, loss of self confidence, fear of change, fear of disappointing others, fear of failure (failure), fear of success, fear of rejection, fear of boredom, phobia, lack of confidence, frustration, loneliness, perfectionism, inability to act, inability to communicate…

Fear is a powerful emotion and the most important thing to remember when experiencing anxiousness is to learn ways of managing it. A great place to begin is with small steps. 

For instance, imagine that you sit quietly for five minutes and try to relax and observe that the way it feels to you is very different from the way you normally feel sitting in front of the computer, watching television or working. Then, notice every physical sensation around you, such as the air against the back of your neck, the taste of coffee, smell of mint or floral essential oil…

Try to visualize yourself as calm, relaxed and peaceful in order to relieve your anxiety. Try to take deep breaths or slow down, use visualization techniques and give yourself permission to let your worries and anxieties go. Try to find ways of releasing your thoughts and feelings. You can do it with meditation, talking, walking, moving, stretching, eating… All of the above activities will improve your mood and allow you to focus on the present moment.

Types Of Anxieties

Here we are going to talk about three types of people who suffer from anxiety: those who experience generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), those who suffer from social anxiety disorder (SAD) and finally those who suffer from separation anxiety disorder (SAD). Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): GAD is a condition characterized mainly by excessive worry. People with GAD feel nervous and anxious about almost everything. 

They experience constant worry and anxiety which interfere with daily activities, relationships, careers or families. Social anxiety disorder (SAD): SAD is closely related to GAD and consists in the same symptoms but without overwhelming anxiety. People with SAD live in constant fear of appearing in public or behaving inappropriately in front of other people and, therefore, avoid taking risks.

 Separation anxiety disorder (SAD): SAD is also closely related to other conditions such as depression and anxiety and consists in the absence of anxiety and fear, but people with SAD do not suffer from social isolation and often feel anxious and distressed when spending time alone. 

However, those individuals that suffer from it may also have some symptoms of depression. Depression is another condition that shares many symptoms with obsessive disorders. Those individuals that experience depression also experience anxiety.

Difference Between Anxiety & Worries

We can say that anxiety and worrying are two opposite processes but they both work together to cause emotional discomfort. Although many researchers do not define exactly what a difference there is between these words, although the differences between them are clear enough to explain that we should differentiate between anxious and non-anxious people. These are the main distinctions:

Anxiety: when we feel tense, panicked, or afraid;

Worry: when we feel uncertain or in need of planning for the future;

Anxious: when we feel worried, tense and nervous;

Worried: when we feel apprehensive about something;

Anxious: when we feel worried, tense and nervous.

When we feel worried, tense and nervous, we feel uncomfortable and anxious because of fears of unknowns and uncertainties. We feel as though we cannot control the direction in which things in our lives move. 

We have the feeling that something dangerous is happening, and this is due to our fear that we will lose control and fail to react accordingly. On the contrary is when we feel as though we are able to handle everything well and in good terms, we don’t feel anxious. Such individuals feel confident because they realize that nothing can harm them, that they are safe and no problem exists to solve. 

This confidence also helps us feel comfortable with the situations we encounter in life. In fact, such individuals feel safe enough to do anything they want. Their attitude is positive and they act as if nothing threatens them.

The Importance of Being Unwell To Yourself

It is very normal to always feel anxious when faced with new experiences, new situations or when we feel overwhelmed by too much information. Nevertheless, the amount of stress we feel and the type of problems we face determines our overall attitude towards life and the kind of solutions that we find suitable to deal with the situation. 

This is a big reason why many individuals are stressed out and anxious when trying to decide how they would spend money. Many people have difficulties coming to terms with reality. One of the best ways to deal with this issue is by making realistic plans for the future and not letting fear guide you away from being aware of your goals and aspirations. 

Having realistic goals helps you to see things from a broader perspective and enables you to set achievable aims because knowing what you want and being careful about it will allow you to reach your goals with ease and speed. Moreover, keeping a close relationship with God and doing acts of faith can help you to cope with difficult situations and feel comforted in difficult situations. 

In addition, prayer helps individuals to reduce their anxiety and stress levels since they are reminded of God and his presence and helps them to remember the things to expect and enjoy in life.

Tips to Deal With Anxious Feelings

If you still believe that you are actually anxious, try the following methods and solutions to help you stop being anxious:

1. Be Calm:

Try not to become angry or aggressive when your anxiety starts to escalate. Instead, pay attention to your body language and try to remain calm in whatever situation you are in. Anger is the basis of unhealthiness. 

Remember that what you feel, the energy and the pain are all directed to you and only you. Do not blame anyone else or yell at them for what’s happening to you. If your anxiety is getting worse, walk calmly and gently towards the exit.

2. Breathe:

Take a few deep breath and center yourself and remember that everything is under control. Take three deep breathes. Breathe in deeply for each second of your entire existence. Make sure the quality of the inhale is high and strong. Breath out slowly as you breathe in gently.

Keep your shoulders relaxed, keep head up, keep chest open. Letting the breath flow through your lungs and bringing focus to your abdomen is a great exercise.

3. Drink Lots Of Water:

Drinking lots of water is essential for maintaining good health and wellness. Water plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including regulating body temperature, aiding digestion, transporting nutrients, flushing out toxins, and lubricating joints. Dehydration can lead to several health problems, including headaches, fatigue, constipation, and kidney stones.

The amount of water you need to drink each day can vary depending on your age, weight, activity level, and climate. However, as a general rule, most adults need to drink at least 8 cups (64 ounces) of water each day. Athletes and people who engage in vigorous exercise may need more water to replace the fluids lost through sweating.

One easy way to ensure that you're drinking enough water is to carry a water bottle with you wherever you go. You can also try adding some flavor to your water with a slice of lemon or cucumber to make it more appealing. Additionally, eating foods with high water content, such as fruits and vegetables, can also help you stay hydrated.

While drinking water is generally safe, it's important to be mindful of the quality of the water you're drinking. Tap water in some areas may contain harmful contaminants, so you may want to consider using a water filter. Bottled water is also an option, but it can be costly and contribute to plastic waste.

In summary, drinking lots of water is crucial for maintaining good health and reducing stress. Make sure to drink enough water each day, carry a water bottle with you, and consider the quality of the water you're drinking. 

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