Loneliness is a feeling that can creep up on anyone at any time. It's normal to feel lonely from time to time, but if it's something that's starting to affect your day-to-day life, it's important to find ways to deal with it. There are a few things you can do to help ease the feelings of loneliness, and we've rounded up some of the best advice from experts.
Here’s a quick list of some laws you must follow if you feel lonely.
1) Be patient.
People who are in a state of emotional distress often show the most visible signs of it. They may be depressed, anxious or angry. If you find out that you too feel alone or isolated then try and reassure yourself that your emotions are natural and nothing to worry about.
It happens to everyone and so accepting them is the right thing to do! You should also acknowledge that even people who seem happy and relaxed can sometimes feel stressed or down.
In these circumstances, giving them reassurances about how they are and who they are, rather than reminding them of all the good things they do, will help you both better understand each other.
2) Take responsibility for yourself.
You cannot be responsible for others unless you accept full responsibility for your own life and choices as well. For example, although you probably don't want depression, the fact that you have to live with it means that you have to take responsibility for something that you have full control over.
When you blame someone else, it means that you are not actually liable for it or at least you believe that you aren't, therefore taking action only makes sense to you. If that isn't the case then there is no point in trying as nobody else is going to come to their rescue.
3) Think positively.
It might sound counterintuitive but thinking negatively will only make your situation worse. This doesn't necessarily mean being pessimistic or negative, but instead thinking positively will help you become more hopeful and optimistic instead.
Try asking yourself what you most love about this world. What are you grateful for? Make a note of every positive thing that you experience and use it often in your day-to-day life. By saying happy thoughts, I don't just mean positive words on paper.
Write a little poem about positive experiences, such as ‘I am happy because…’ or ‘I am thankful for...’ and hold onto them. Sometimes simple acts like writing the word ‘good’ in a sentence or changing words to make it sounds nicer will help in improving your mood and outlook.
4) Recognize when you are making progress.
You need to remember that each time you see a new person for the first time, they will look different from the last one, which is often surprising and frustrating and has a lot of potential.
Once you start to get used to someone's characteristics, they will no longer scare you. Instead they will be a source of hope and motivation and encouragement. So treat them with respect and kindness and if possible try and become friends with them. Also make sure to be honest but don't lose respect for them as you are still learning about each other as individuals.
Some people might not understand why you suddenly stopped talking to them because they think it was stupid and rude, but as much as you might try to explain and justify that it was a lack of respect, at least at first, others are likely to respect your opinion and not yours. Give them time to understand and respect your boundaries.
As long as you both recognize the difference and respect it, then you won't experience anything bad. Remember though that respect won't always mean friendship.
Just as you have been respecting someone's beliefs, attitudes, values and norms (even if you don't like them!) as a result of your previous interactions with them, you must show gratitude to those same people as you build up your relationship, which will eventually lead to friendships. And if you don't then maybe never having those relationships might not be such a big deal at al
5) Ask for help
Sometimes all we really need to do is ask. Your family or friends may already be helping out with household chores or simply by helping you get through your day without any trouble at all, which can be overwhelming, so take advantage of any help available.
There really is nothing wrong with seeking advice however just be careful not to expect too much too soon! Don't assume that you know everything to begin with.
6) Learn to forgive
Being able to let go is crucial if you wish to improve the quality of your relationships. People who are chronically lonely tend to keep hurting themselves over the years and it's a sign that they feel unworthy of love and affection.
Learning to forgive is an essential part of healing your broken heart. Don't hold grudges against people, especially friends and colleagues. Letting go of anyone and everything that's a part of your past hurts and you may end up resenting them for a lifetime if all you do is dwell on it all the time.
Even if you're upset with them, there are times when you shouldn't be mad, and it's a great way to learn forgiveness. Many people just forget about their problems once they feel that their lives have moved on and that they can move forward without being hurt and that they can live happier with that person again.
7) Know when to call it quit
There comes a time in everyone's life where they must decide whether or not they want to continue living happily ever after with a partner. A breakup is a painful process and many people would benefit from seeking professional advice to help them through this difficult period instead of relying on drugs and alcohol or other unhealthy substances.
Most often than not a good decision on whether or not to stay together is made by two people sitting side-by-side in counseling sessions, each telling their story to the other, sharing their worries and hopes for the future.
While that could sound romantic at first it is also incredibly intense and exhausting which is why it is best left until the issues have been solved and the work has begun on building relationships.
If you'd like to have a similar impact at home, then simply tell your partner that you want to separate and make arrangements to change your lifestyle. Whether your significant other will be supportive, or they will just ignore you entirely, is up to you.
Whatever decision you make, make sure you both respect each other. If you leave knowing that the person you love unconditionally is still here for you, no matter what happens next, they will be there in spirit.
8) Trust in Go
Many people believe that God exists and will help if they will just follow His commands and instructions. However it's quite easy to misunderstand Him when people don't keep their promises or keep to His wishes.
He does exist and he can help, after all he is the creator of the universe. He also knows what He wants you to do and how He wants you to behave in order to make himself whole and happy and He loves you just the way you are.
This includes obeying all his rules and regulations. One of the main rules that He gives us is that we must love our neighbors as ourselves. We all need to put God first in our lives no matter how hard it seem
9) Change your ways of thinking
Loneliness is a sad disease and we are slowly killing it off by becoming less creative and spending most of our free time doing random stuff online instead of finding activities to engage in outside of our homes.
Try to avoid activities that are monotonous, boring or require heavy mental energy because you'll end up getting bored and end up feeling very unfulfilled. Another way to feel less lonely is by choosing activities that give you joy and purpose and that involve meeting new people.
Finding yourself with someone new and interesting will increase your curiosity and interest in others which can lead to greater understanding towards others and you may find yourself growing closer even if you weren't previously close.
Choosing art is also a great way to escape boredom and enjoy the company of people who create beautiful things.
Find something to focus on outside of work or education. After a few days of focusing on something other than work or school you'll begin to notice that your mind is sharper and less foggy and you'll have less pressure on yourself as well.
10) Spend time with positive people
Spending time with positive people is one of the best ways to improve your attitude, mood and confidence. Being around people who are positive will help you to connect and develop strong relationships with others which will help you cope with loneliness.
Not only that, but they will be able to offer comfort and support during tough times when you are experiencing difficulty coping with whatever it is that troubles you with loneliness. When you surround yourself with people that are healthy, content and happy you will feel happier and healthier as a result.
On top of that, they will also provide you with valuable information that will give you insight into your strengths and weaknesses and allow you to understand better how these things affect you. Plus, you are helping out a friend who is suffering from loneliness by reaching out and supporting them.